Clergy & Staff


The Reverend Kate Bradsen, Rector 

Click here to email the Rev. Kate

Kate’s ordained ministry experience focuses on building faith communities, reaching those beyond the church’s walls, and helping churches and people live into their baptismal ministry. Before arriving at St. Stephen’s, Kate served as vicar of a diverse, urban congregation in Tucson, Arizona. She helped co-founded Casa Mariposa, a faith-based community in Tucson that offers hospitality to recent immigrants and asylum seekers. She has also worked as an assistant rector at a large congregation, and taught at an Episcopal middle school for low income students. Raised in the Episcopal church, Kate seeks the sacred in silence and nature and loves hearing about other people’s spiritual journeys. Kate is a graduate of Northwestern University (B.A. in Psychology) and Episcopal Divinity School (Master of Divinity degree with a focus on pastoral care).

Kate is married to Carol Bradsen. They have three school age daughters. Their family loves to be outside, dance, and eat great food together.  

The Reverend hailey mckeefry delmas, deacon

Deacon Hailey was ordained a deacon in 1999 in the Diocese of Long Island.  She is currently the Director of the Deacons Formation Collaborative (DFC) at Bexley Seabury, a program that is offering formation for deacons across the Episcopal Church.  She has served as a hospital and hospice chaplain in the Diocese of California. There she also served as the Archdeacon for the diocese and as a parish deacon at The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany in San Carlos and the Church of the Transfiguration in San Mateo. She has a passion for ministry around raising awareness and support for mental health and LGBTQ+ issues. In her secular career, Hailey was a journalist covering technology and the supply chain.  At home, husband Sven helps wrangle an animal family consisting of two dogs and a cat. They have already raised two daughters, Anna and Claire, now grown.  You can read her blog and sermons here:

Frank PerKO III, Director of music & Administration

Click here to Email Frank

A native to Colorado, Frank moved back to the state in 2023, with his partner Jason, and his fur baby, Murphy, the sweetest Shar-Pei dog ever!  Prior to Mr. Perko’s return to Colorado, he held the position of Director of Music/Organist to the Episcopal Church of St. Bernard de Clairvaux, at the Ancient Spanish Monastery in North Miami Beach, Florida.  Mr. Perko is the former Director of Music, Arts, Worship, and Liturgy at First Plymouth Congregational Church of Denver, Colorado. He began his professional work by age ten, both as a church musician for his local church, and also working as a professional staff organist, playing the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ at the Organ Grinder Pizza Restaurant in Denver, Colorado.   In his professional career, Mr. Perko has served as Director of Music, Liturgical Director/Coordinator, and as Principal Organist for numerous churches across the United States. Frank has served as consultant, and been responsible for numerous new organ installations across the country, consisting of both large pipe organ and digital organ installations.  He also created, owned, and cultivated his own large music, and piano based teaching studio.  In 1996, Mr. Perko placed first, winning the Strader International Organ Competition in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Since then, Frank has won many awards and competitions as a classic/concert and theater organist, and continues to perform regularly in numerous concerts throughout the United States in churches, theaters, and concert halls.  He has become known for his specialization in musical innovation, creativity, knowledge, and performances with MIDI capable instruments and in conjunction with the pipe organ.  Mr. Perko is also a well-accomplished and formidable orchestral and choral conductor, responsible for leading large and major works of music in the church and in the concert hall, with very large music ensembles of 150+ musicians.  Mr. Perko holds a Bachelors of Music degree from Colorado State University, and a Master of Music degree from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. 

The Rev. Dr. Douglas Dunn, Affiliated Clergy

The Rev. Dr. Doug Dunn and his wife, Jan, are both products of South Dakota. Fr. Doug got his M.Div. from Nashotah House, and D.Min. from Seabury-Western Seminary. He has served congregations in South Dakota, Wisconsin, and most recently St. Luke’s in Denver, where he retired in 2016. Jan and Doug are active in God’s Gardeners, Gastromartyrs, and assisting with worship, counseling, and pastoral care at St. Stephen’s, their new parish home. They have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren all living in Aurora, but not with them!