Our Shared Life

Our life together, as the people of St. Stephen's, is centered in the modelling and teachings of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus we have experienced God’s love in our lives. Because God first loved us we seek to love others as God loves us.

we invite you to share our life through:

encouraging and embracing all people on their spiritual journeys

  • Gathering for worship. Worship is for all ages and our building is accessible for all abilities. Everyone is welcome to join us for communion and participate in worship.

  • Daily online noon prayer

  • Daughters of the King; a ministry of daily prayer for the needs of the both members of St. Stephen’s and others who request prayer.

  • Regular opportunities for spiritual formation for all ages

    1. Sunday school and youth group- 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 9am

    2. Wednesday night discipleship group @6:30pm

    3. Thursday Bible study @1:30pm

    4. Other spiritual formation and small group opportunities


building beloved community where all are truly welcome

We are diverse in age, ethnic backgrounds, education, ideas and gifts. We are, like you: God’s children, imperfect and loved always. We want to get to know one another and care for one another.

  • Gastromartyrs: a small group evening dinner ministry for adults that promotes fellowship and getting to know others.

  • The Men’s Group gathers for breakfast at 8:30 am on the first Monday of each month at the Village Inn 15200 Iliff Avenue, Aurora.

  • Summer camp for children and youth 3 - 12 years old which includes Bible stories, music, crafts, games, and a free healthy lunch.

  • A broad variety of family-friendly social events and celebrations throughout the year

  • Congregational care, which offers support to people from our church who going through difficult times

The monthly meeting of the men's group means the guys get together on the first Monday of the month to talk about what's new, what's up and what's for breakfast! Rumor has it, that's the most important meal of the day! Look at those smiles! #breakfa…


  • Serve in our many outreach ministries where we seek to be the heart and hands of Christ to each other and in the world.

empowering and celebrating each person’s gifts

Volunteer to support our worship, help with a ministry, or begin one of your own