Serving Together
St. Stephen's seeks to be the heart and hands of Christ to each other and in the world. God has called us to ministry in Aurora. To do this we partner with our neighbors to build a community that is safe, where hope lives.
serving those in need in our community
St. Stephen’s Food Pantry
St. Stephen’s collects food to distribute to those in need in our community. Monetary donations are welcome to assist in purchasing gift cards. If we have more donations than we can use, we pass them along to the Aurora Interfaith Food Bank. We especially appreciate donations of
Ready to eat food like soups, pastas, chili and stews (either with pull tops that can be eaten out of the can or in trays)
Ready meals and cooking sauces in pouches or cans (like Hamburger Helper, Knorr Rice & Pasta, or Campbell’s cooking sauces)
Granola bars and packaged crackers
Shelve stable pantry items like: Peanut butter, Canned fruit, Canned veggies, Canned beans, Dried pasta & pasta sauces
Habitat for Humanity
We currently volunteer at the Mountain View Habitat site, primarily by preparing and serving lunch to volunteers at the site. Keep your eyes on the newsletter and announcements for our next opportunities.
St. Francis Center
St. Francis Center serves those without housing in the Denver metro area. We collect items to assist in there ministry and especially appreciate:
Toiletries, especially sanitary products for women or toothbrushes & toothpaste
Toilet paper
Coats for all ages (clean in good condition)
Men’s socks, underwear and gloves (new)
St. Clare’s (hosted at St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Denver)
On the first Tuesday of every month, volunteers from St. Stephen’s help serve food and provide clothing and other needed supplies at a weekly dinner for those in need in the community. You can sign up to volunteer for our next opportunity here.
Seasonal giving opportunities
We partner with local schools and nonprofits to provide school supplies, thanksgiving food, and presents and gift cards for Christmas.