Celebrate Easter with St Stephen's
Saturday April 19th @ 5pm. The Great Vigil of Easter. This interactive service is one of the most ancient of our tradition and follows the movement from darkness to light including elements of fire and water, readings from the scripture, and communion.
Sunday April 20th @10am. Festive Easter Eucharist. Our typical Sunday service featuring wonderful music from our choir and followed by an Easter Egg hunt and festive brunch.

Summer Camp
Compassion Camp
Join us for a fun filled week of camp for ages 3-12 with songs, crafts, games, and poetry. Meals and snacks provided. Cost is $5 Register here

Ash Wednesday 12pm and 7pm
We begin our Lenten season with the imposition of ashes. Join us for this important day as we begin our season of repentance.
A small service in our chapel at 12pm
Organ and choir music are offered in our 7pm service

Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday Celebration
Tuesday, March 4, 5:30-6:30pm
Get one last celebration in before the season of Lent. Enjoy breakfast for dinner, fellowship, and fun. Register to let us know you’re coming

Coffee + Conversations: Immigration
Join us for a time of sharing our own experiences around immigration and discussing how best to live our faith in light of current events. Following church in the small group room downstairs.

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
This hour long class, sponsored by the Stewardship Committee, and led by The Reverend Dr. Douglas R. Dunn, focuses on the identification of our own gifts of stewardship, in service to our God and our community. This one hour long class is being offered at four different times. Click to register.
Wednesday, February 12, 9:30am or 6:30pm
Saturday, February 15, 9:30am
Saturday, February 22, 9:30am

Coffee Hour Conversation: Affordable Housing
Join us for a small group conversation as we discuss issues facing our community and build relationships across our varied experiences and opinons

Feast of the Epiphany
We’ll celebrate the end of the Christmas season with a visit from the three wise men. Join us for king’s cake and de-greening the church after worship

Christmas Day Worship
A simple worship to honor the birth of our savior. You are invited to come in your pajamas for this casual but festive celebration!

Christmas Eve Choral Eucharist
Our traditional service features incense, beautiful music from our organist and choir, and concludes with a candlelit singing of Silent Night. Join us online or via zoom using our Sunday morning link.

Christmas Eve Family Friendly Worship and Pageant
Designed to include families with children, but a welcome place for all. Enjoy the Christmas story presented by our children, prayer, communion, and lots of Christmas carols. Join us in person or online via zoom using our Sunday morning link.

Longest Night
Find a place for sadness in the midst of a season of cheer with music and meditations to honor loss and grief. Please invite those who might benefit from acknowledging darkness at this time of year.
Advent Quiet Day
Join us for our Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 7th from 8:30-12:30 with breakfast and lunch provided. This event is open to all and free (donations accepted)

A Visit from St. Nicolas
Our first worship of the Advent season will feature a visit from jolly old St. Nic. We’ll learn about his story and the true origins of Santa Claus.
Thanksgiving Celebration and Greening of the Church
Our worship for this Sunday will focus on the theme of Thanksgiving and will be followed by a festive brunch hosted by our vestry as we honor all our volunteers from this year. Please plan to join us!
All Saints Celebration & Ministry Fair
Learn about the saints and celebrate all the wonderful people who have come before us, are a part of our community now, and will be in the future. Following worship, learn about the various ministries of our church and see where God might be calling you to next.
Trunk or Treat
Halloween fun at St. Stephen’s.. Children from our church and community are invited to join us for trick or treating from car to car in a safe environment.

Backpack Blessing
Bring your backpacks to church for a special blessing as the new school year begins, An ice cream social follows the worship.
Stars and Pipes Forever
Organ Concert and Choir Fundraiser
This will be a don’t miss summer event, so get it on your calendars now! Our new Director of Music and Administration, (and concert organist), will perform an organ concert featuring many of our most beloved patriotic songs and tunes. The Canterbury Choir will also be a part of singing in the concert, and in addition, the audience will also have the opportunity to sing along in some of our nation’s most treasured patriotic music. After the concert we’ll enjoy a reception with good old-fashioned hot dogs and goodies. This concert is open to the public so bring your friends and family. A free-will offering will be taken, as a fundraiser to the Canterbury Choir and the music program. You can let us know you're planning to attend here.

Summer Camp
Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs
Join us for a fun filled week of camp for ages 3-12 with music, arts, and activities. Kids will explore a different theme each day related to creation (food, water, shelter, etc) through songs, crafts, games, and poetry. Meals and snacks provided. Cost is $5 Register here
Emerging Worship
Emerging Worship
Sunday, May 19th at 4:00pm
Join us for an informal worship service featuring Spanish music and guitar, interactive prayer stations, discussion, and communion. Help us continue to discern what worship might best serve our wider community.

Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at 10:00am
New Members and Potluck
Celebrate the birth of the Church and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We will also welcome new
Members to our congregation and enjoy a potluck after church, with foods representing our diverse cultures and heritages.

Celebration of Women’s Ordination/”Philadelphia 11”
Join us for a screening of the “Philadelphia 11”, a documentary about the first women ordained into the Episcopal tradition 50 years ago! The movie will be followed by a panel discussion with women from across the last 50 years of ordination, with a light reception to follow. The event is free and open to the public. Free-will offerings are welcome and appreciated. Registration is appreciated but not required.

Rite 13
A special worship to celebrate of the members of our congregation who are turning 13 years of age this year. Come join us in celebrating the gifts God has given these young people as they move from childhood into adulthood.

Bilingual Worship
An informal worship service featuring simple music and communion. Those who are wanting to learn Spanish will also have a chance for lessons and conversation following supper. If you are able, please bring a donation to support migrant families who are part of our church.

Confirmation Class
This class is designed for adults who are interested in learning more about the Episcopal church. We will learn about the church’s history, tradition, liturgy, and polity and prepare for confirmation on May 18th. Register here.