Farewell Deacon Marionette

On Sunday, June 21, we said goodbye to our beloved deacon, the Rev. Marionette Bennett.

Read some of her comments from her June 21 address to the parish and view pictures from our celebration of her ministry.

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Accomplishments with the Parish

  • Nets for Life: $3,800 raised for 634 for Malaria Mitigation.

  • Empower the Weomen of Africa: 176 kits of sanitary supplies so women would not interrupt their education due to menstruation

  • Diocese of Kadugli and Nuba Mountains (Sudan) money for leader salaries, education goods and livestock.

  • Barefoot Sunday supplied shoes for schools in our community.

  • Homeless Initiative supported a family with financial needs and money management goals.

  • Tied Blankets for the Comitis Shelter in Aurora.

  • Soft Hats for cancer patients.

  • Peace Dolls: members created over 600 dolls for children in hospitals and care centers.

  • Summer Camp (begun with the Rev. Kate) served 100 children the first summer.

“Everything we asked you to do, you did in a big way and I want to thank you for that!” —Deacon Marionette

She left us with words of inspiration from John Wesley:

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you canto all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

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Go in peace to your home and family as you love and serve the Lord.

We thank God for your time with us.

Alleluia! Alleluia!