Serving at St. Stephen's
- St. Stephen's Wish List. Often we are looking for items or services. Please check back often as we update this list frequently!
- Tea Towels
- Blankets
- Canned goods
- Soup with pull tops that can be eaten out of the can
- Peanut butter
- Granola bars
- Canned fruit
- Canned veggies
- Canned beans
- Canned meats
- Fruit trees (donations to purchase)
- Coats for all ages
- Altar Guild
- Acolytes (Children and Adults)
- Music
- Adult Choir
- Children's Choir
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Readers
- Lay Assistants
- Lay Eucharistic Visitors
- Baptism
- Communion Classes
- Weddings
Nobody told Joe that being Senior Warden was going to be this involved. Brings a whole new meaning to "serving at St Stephen's".